Before I discovered your product I suffered with severe Bleph for years. The pain was unbearable and normally constant.
The adverse affects to my eyes was very dibilitating. If you suffer with Bleph you know that when the oil glands are inflammed
your eyes do not recieive the precious oils your eyes require to seal any moisture around the eyeball. This is a double whammy
because when the glands are inflammed your eye balls are susceptible to drying out very quickly.
The doctors say there is no cure. Since I been using your product my eyes have improved 300%. The pain from the inflamation
is dimished considerably. In fact 9 days out ten I have virtually no pain. I would call that a cure. I use your product
every day. It is so easy to use. After cleaning my eye lids with a mild soap (dove for babies) I apply the product and while
I sleep it does it's thing. It calms the inflamation and prohibits it from returning. Every day use is not a problem as
the cost is reasonable as well.
Thank you Oceaderm so very, very, very, much. I am so appreciative that your product is out there and available to everyone
who may critically require it. Please never stop making it.
Best Regards
Donna (now a happy Canuck)
Ontario, Canada
"I had this condition for 7+ years...Everything is going really good now...there is a 99.99% difference. Everyone sees
the difference...OceadermŽ made me a lot more confidient when I speak to people face to face 'cause I dont have to worry that
my eyelids are dry and peeling I started wearing mascara now..Before I couldnt wear it because it drew attention to my eyes
but now I can wear it with confidence...I wish I had before and after pictures to show you but it worked so quick I didnt
have time to get before pictures..."
New York
"I have been suffering from chronic Seborrheic Blepharitis since childhood....I have been using OceaDermŽ for 3 weeks
now and I am feeling and looking better flakey eyelids and I have new eyelashes growing in"
Shane McDougal,
Dublin, Ireland
"I have not faced the world like I do now and my smile has returned. My life has changed in a way that I can't describe.
OceadermŽ is so easy to use and it is far less expensive than many other things which I have wasted money on...and it works!